Rider Eligibility Requirements
Public transit is available to anyone regardless of age or income.
We operate on a first-call, first- served basis. Although service is available to anyone, we do have a few Rider Eligibility Requirements that must be met. Those who do not meet these requirements should be accompanied by an escort or personal care attendant (PCA). PCAs will not be charged a fare. MCHRA does not supply PCAs.
All persons will be considered without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion or disability which can be reasonably accommodated.
Physical and Cognitive Requirements:
Maintain self-control while on board. Violent, disruptive, or illegal behavior is prohibited. Conduct that is annoying or inconvenient to a reasonable person is prohibited unless a result of physical or mental impairment.
Must not have any communicable disease transmitted by close proximity to fellow riders.
*A companion/escort is required for riders under 16 years of age and is permissible for any other rider needing any additional assistance. A personal care attendant that is required for the health of the rider or an escort shall not be charged a fare.